Overview – MTConnect

The OAS MTConnect IOT Data Connector provides automated setup from MTConnect enabled devices, typically CNC machines.  The device information is read on event to optionally automate the tag creation from device, components, sub-components, and ids for Events, Conditions, and Samples.

👉 Use the Getting Started MTConnect page to configure a driver.

Automatic Tag Generation

When creating a MTConnect driver instance the default configuration enables the Add Tags Automatically property. With this property enabled, the driver will generate all of the Tag Groups and Tags based on the received schema. You can then delete any Tags that you do not need.

Reconnect and Polling Interval

You can control two properties to manage driver reconnection and polling interval:

  • Return to Online: How long to wait between successive connection attempts following a failed connection [60 seconds]
  • Interval: The interval at which to poll the endpoint [0.5 seconds]


You can enable the Enable Failover property and configure a secondary Live Data Url to connect to an alternative schema and data endpoint. When a secondary interface is configured, OAS will attempt to use it if the primary interface fails to read any data.