- The GetVersion Function is useful for an easy check if the OAS Service is started and reachable.
- Returns – 1 if service is not reachable.
- Returns positive number of current version if successful.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
Int32 versionNumber = 0;
versionNumber = oasc.GetVersion(networkNode);
if (versionNumber == -1)
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached");
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service version number " + versionNumber.ToString("0"));
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim versionNumber As Int32 = 0
versionNumber = oasc.GetVersion(networkNode)
If versionNumber = -1 Then
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached")
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service version number " & versionNumber.ToString("0"))
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The GetLicenseString Function returns a string of the OAS Service license.
- Returns “OAS Service Not Reachable” if service is not reachable.
- Returns the license string if successful.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string LicenseString = "";
string networkNode = "";
LicenseString = oasc.GetLicenseString(networkNode);
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim LicenseString As String = ""
Dim networkNode As String = ""
LicenseString = oasc.GetLicenseString(networkNode)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The GetFullyLicensed Function returns the license status of an OAS Service.
- Returns -1 if service is not reachable.
- Returns 0 if the service is not yet fully licensed, running in demo mode or disabled.
- Returns 1 if the service has been licensed.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
Int32 FullyLicensedNumber;
FullyLicensedNumber = oasc.GetFullyLicensed(networkNode);
if (FullyLicensedNumber == -1)
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached");
else if (FullyLicensedNumber == 1)
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Fully Licensed");
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Not Fully Licensed");
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim FullyLicensedNumber As Int32
FullyLicensedNumber = oasc.GetFullyLicensed(networkNode)
If FullyLicensedNumber = -1 Then
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached")
ElseIf FullyLicensedNumber = 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Fully Licensed")
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Not Fully Licensed")
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- Returns a string array of system status messages.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
private static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
public static void Main(string[] args)
string NetworkNode = "";
string[] statuses = null;
statuses = oasc.GetSystemStatus(NetworkNode);
foreach (string status in statuses)
if (statuses.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("There are no parameters to list");
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Public Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim NetworkNode As String = ""
Dim statuses As String() = Nothing
statuses = oasc.GetSystemStatus(NetworkNode)
For Each status As String In statuses
If statuses.Length = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("There are no parameters to list")
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The InRuntime Function returns the Runtime Status of an OAS Service.
- Returns -1 if service is not reachable.
- Returns 0 if service is not in Runtime.
- Returns 1 if service is in Runtime.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
Int32 InRuntimeNumber;
InRuntimeNumber = oasc.InRuntime(networkNode);
if (InRuntimeNumber == -1)
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached");
else if (InRuntimeNumber == 1)
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Is In Runtime Mode");
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Is Stopped");
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim InRuntimeNumber As Int32
InRuntimeNumber = oasc.InRuntime(networkNode)
If InRuntimeNumber = -1 Then
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service not reached")
ElseIf InRuntimeNumber = 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Is In Runtime Mode")
Console.WriteLine("OAS Service Is Stopped")
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The StartRuntime Subroutine Starts the OAS Service Runtime Mode.
- If the Service is already in Runtime Mode no method occurs.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
- Optional ErrorString will be set to Success when function is successful and an error message when in error.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
string ErrorString = "";
oasc.StartRuntime(networkNode, ref ErrorString);
if (ErrorString != "Success")
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim ErrorString As String = ""
oasc.StartRuntime(networkNode, ErrorString)
If ErrorString <> "Success" Then Console.WriteLine(ErrorString)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The StopRuntime Subroutine Stops the OAS Service Runtime Mode.
- If the Service is not in Runtime Mode no method occurs.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
- Optional ErrorString will be set to Success when function is successful and an error message when in error.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
string ErrorString = "";
oasc.StopRuntime(networkNode, ref ErrorString);
if (ErrorString != "Success")
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim ErrorString As String = ""
oasc.StopRuntime(networkNode, ErrorString)
If ErrorString <> "Success" Then Console.WriteLine(ErrorString)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The GetMaintenanceExpiration Function returns the maintenance expiration date within the service.
- Please note that the actual maintenance expiration is retained by the company records of Open Automation Software and the value returned may be out of date.
- Returns string Month / Day / Year in the format of 00/00/0000.
- Returns blank if a failure occurs.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
- ErrorString will be set to Success when function is successful and an error message when in error.
- RemoteSCADAHostingName is the name of the Live Data Cloud OAS Service to connect to.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
string LicenseString;
string ErrorString = "";
LicenseString = oasc.GetMaintenanceExpiration(networkNode, ref ErrorString);
if (ErrorString != "Success")
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim LicenseString As String
Dim ErrorString As String = ""
LicenseString = oasc.GetMaintenanceExpiration(networkNode, ErrorString)
If ErrorString <> "Success" Then Console.WriteLine(ErrorString)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- The GetClientUsers Function returns a list of users that are currently connected to the service.
- If there was no username specified in the client connection the string is blank for the client connection.
- The same user may be logged in to multiple clients.
- Returns Empty String Array if service is not reachable.
- NetworkNode is the name of the network node of the OAS Service to connect to. Leave blank for localhost connection.
- ErrorString will be set to Success when function is successful and an error message when in error.
- RemoteSCADAHostingName is the name of the Live Data Cloud OAS Service to connect to.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string networkNode = "";
string[] clients;
string ErrorString = "";
bool[] inError = new bool[] { };
clients = oasc.GetClientUsers(networkNode, ref ErrorString);
if (ErrorString != "Success")
foreach (string client in clients)
if (clients.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("There are no clients to show.");
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim networkNode As String = ""
Dim clients As String()
Dim ErrorString As String = ""
Dim inError As Boolean() = New Boolean() {}
clients = oasc.GetClientUsers(networkNode, ErrorString)
If ErrorString <> "Success" Then
End If
For Each client As String In clients
If clients.Length = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("There are no clients to show.")
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- Based on options, returns either a string array of drives on the operating system or a string array of folders on a drive.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string errorString = "";
string networknode = "localhost";
string directoryPath = @"C:\"; //set as blank to return all drives of the OS. directoryPath = @"C:\Temp\";
bool returnFullPath = true; // set to false to return just the sub directory name or file name without the full path.
string[] directories = oasc.GetListOfDirectories(directoryPath, returnFullPath, networknode, ref errorString);
if (errorString == "Success")
foreach (string dir in directories)
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
If True Then
Dim errorString As String = ""
Dim networknode As String = "localhost"
Dim directoryPath As String = "C:\"
Dim returnFullPath As Boolean = True
Dim directories As String() = oasc.GetListOfDirectories(directoryPath, returnFullPath, networknode, errorString)
If errorString = "Success" Then
For Each dir As String In directories
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- Returns a string array of files in a directory.
using System;
namespace OASDataSample
class Program
static OASConfig.Config oasc = new OASConfig.Config();
static void Main(string[] args)
string errorString = "";
string networknode = "localhost";
string directoryPath = @"C:\"; //set as blank to return all drives of the OS. directoryPath = @"C:\Temp\";
bool returnFullPath = true; // set to false to return just the sub directory name or file name without the full path.
string[] files = oasc.GetListOfFiles(directoryPath, "*", returnFullPath, networknode, ref errorString);
if (errorString == "Success")
foreach (string file in files)
Imports System
Namespace OASDataSample
Class Program
Shared oasc As OASConfig.Config = New OASConfig.Config()
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
If True Then
Dim errorString As String = ""
Dim networknode As String = "localhost"
Dim directoryPath As String = "C:\"
Dim returnFullPath As Boolean = True
Dim files As String() = oasc.GetListOfFiles(directoryPath, "*", returnFullPath, networknode, errorString)
If errorString = "Success" Then
For Each file As String In files
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace