Product Overview
The OAS Platform includes a variety of Visualization Tools to allow you to create user interfaces and HMIs for web applications, Windows PCs, and native apps for mobile devices, that can be run in any browser in any environment. Visualize live and historical data, live and historical Trends and Alarms on virtually any platform including mobile devices and web browsers.

Platform Components
Visualization Data Sources
OAS supports a large library of Industry 4.0 data sources including Allen Bradley and Siemens PLCs, Modbus and MTConnect devices, OPC UA and DA Servers and Clients, Databases, applications, and more. Once connected, data accessed and visualized with using any OAS Visualization Tools.
Web Visualization Tools
Built upon the open standards of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript, OAS Web products can be utilized in any web application environment, and can be developed using your favorite IDE or code editors. Running applications can be viewed in any desktop or mobile browser.
Open UIEngine
Create complex applications within a web browser, and without writing a single line of code, all contained within the OAS server installation.
Develop web applications or integrate with existing web apps to display, modify, and control real time data in an OAS Service, all from within a desktop or mobile browser.
Web Trend
Create real time and historical Trend visualizations, plotting multiple simultaneous data points displayed in any desktop or mobile browser.
Web Alarm
View and manage real time and historical Alarms. Interactive control allows users to acknowledge and comment on alarms, or filter based on any attribute.
.NET Visualization Tools
.NET Developers have access to visual controls for developing HMIs or User Interfaces in WinForms and WPF. Using the .NET Core Components of the .NET Data Connector, developers can create native iOS and Android apps using Xamarin Forms.
WinForm HMI .NET
Develop Windows Forms applications in .NET using either C# or VB.NET. Includes a wide variety of visual controls.
Develop visually stunning WPF applications in .NET using C# or VB.NET along with XAML. Includes a wide variety of visual controls.
Trend .NET
Create real time and historical Trend visualizations, plotting multiple simultaneous data points. Interactive visual controls for analyzing and exporting data.
Alarm .NET
View and manage real time and historical Alarms. Interactive control allows users to acknowledge and comment on alarms, or filter based on any attribute.