Trend Binding Callback
The Trend Binding Callback function that you implement must have the following definition:
function myCallbackFunction(data) { ... your custom implementation here ... }
You can name the function anything, as long as it takes a single argument. An example of how this might be used along with a set of Trend Bindings follows:
<script type="text/javascript"> OAS_config = { token:'7e61b230-481d-4551-b24b-ba9046e3d8f2', serverURL: 'http://localhost:58725', trend_bindings: [ { chartid: "myChart", samplerate: 1, timeframe: 100, tags:[ { label:"ramp", tag:"Ramp.Value", color:"#090" }, { label: "random", tag: "Random.Value", color: "#f00" } ], retain: 100, callback: myTrendCallback } ] }; function myTrendCallback(data) { // display raw data in debug console console.log(data); } </script>