Tag Runtime Properties
The following list provides a reference of all Tag Runtime Properties. Runtime properties are properties that are generated and updated by the OAS Engine and are therefore read-only.
Runtime properties can be accessed using various methods:
- Using Tag path references and calculations in OAS Engine
- Using a TagList in the REST API
- Using the OAS Data API
Value Property
The Value property of a Tag (for example: MyTag.Value) is a little bit special, because this property represents the current value of a Tag. This property is both a runtime property and a configuration property, because it behaves differently depending on the configured Data Source.
If the Tag is configured as a Value data source, then the Value property becomes read and write enabled. This means you can write values to it using the various Configuration APIs or Data APIs.
If the data source is configured to anything else, then it becomes read-only to the APIs and only the OAS Engine and the configured data source can write to the Value property.
Runtime Properties
Property | Description | Read Only |
Value | The current value of the Tag. | Depends on Data Source |
Bit00-Bit15 | Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 16 bit, 32 bit, or 64 bit integer. | Yes |
Bit16-Bit31 | Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 32 bit or 64 bit integer. | Yes |
Bit32-Bit63 | Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 64 bit integer. | Yes |
AlarmsDateRangeDisableEndString | The end date of the alarm disabled date range represented as a string. | Yes |
AlarmsDateRangeDisableStartString | The start date of the alarm disabled date range represented as a string. | Yes |
IsReadOnly | An indication of whether the Value parameter is read-only. | Yes |
IsWriteOnly | An indication of whether the Value parameter is writable only by user or API input. | Yes |
OneOrMoreAlarmsDisabled | One or more alarm limits within the tag are disabled being inside of the daily time or data range to disable the limit. | Yes |
OneOrMoreAlarmsPotentiallyDisabled | One or more of the alarm limits can be potentially disabled with daily or time range disable sepcified. | Yes |
OPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
PreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous value returned as a Date. | Yes |
PreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous value returned as a String. | Yes |
PreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous value returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
PreviousValue | The previous value. | Yes |
Quality | Quality of value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
QualityActual | Quality of value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
Quality_BadCount | The number of times the quality of the tag has transitioned from good to bad. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_BadReadCount | The number of communication reads from the device has failed for the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_BadTime | The time in seconds the quality of the tags has been bad. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_BadWriteCount | The number of write failures to the device from the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_GoodCount | The number of times the quality of the tag has transitioned from bad to good. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_GoodReadCount | The number of communication reads from the device has succeeded for the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_GoodTime | The time in seconds the quality of the tags has been good. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_GoodWriteCount | The number of successful writes to the device from the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true. | Yes |
Quality_ResetCountsAndTime | Write a value of TRUE to reset Quality_BadCount, Quality_BadReadCount, Quality_BadTime, Quality_BadWriteCount, Quality_GoodCount, Quality_GoodReadCount, Quality_GoodTime, and Quality_GoodWriteCount. | No |
TagName | The Tag Name Is used To identify the specific point And all Of its parameters. The Tag can be included within a Group. | Yes |
TagNameWithoutGroups | The Tag Name without the parent group names included. | Yes |
TimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
Timestamp | The timestamp of the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
TimestampString | The timestamp of the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
TimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
TimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
TimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
TimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
TimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
TimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
Total | The summation of all sampled values. | Yes |
TotalAverage | The total divided by the number of samples. | Yes |
TotalSamples | The number of samples added since the last total reset. | Yes |
TotalPrevious | The previous total when the last reset was performed. | Yes |
TotalPreviousAverage | The previous average when the last reset was performed. | Yes |
TotalPreviousSamples | The previous number of samples when the last reset was performed. | Yes |
ValueTimeOn | How Long the point is on for the current instance | Yes |
ValueTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the point is on for the current day. | Yes |
ValueTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the point is on for Period 1. | Yes |
ValueTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the point is on for Period 2. | Yes |
ValueTimeOnTotal | How Long the point has been on for all of time. | Yes |
ValueCountCurrentDay | How many times the point has transitioned for the current day. | Yes |
ValueCountPeriod1 | How many times the point has transitioned for Period 1. | Yes |
ValueCountPeriod2 | How many times the point has transitioned for Period 2. | Yes |
ValueCountTotal | How many times the point has transitioned For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusHighHigh | The alarm state. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmAcknowledge | Set to true to acknowledge alarm. | No |
HighHighAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmActive | The alarm state. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The end date of the alarm disabled date range represented as a string. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The start date of the alarm disabled date range represented as a string. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
HighHighAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimeDelayRemaining | The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset time and counts. | No |
HighHighAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmHighHighCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusHigh | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
HighAlarmAcknowledge | Write a value of TRUE to acknowledge the alarm. | No |
HighAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
HighAlarmActive | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
HighAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
HighAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
HighAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
HighAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
HighAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
HighAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
HighAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
HighAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
HighAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
HighAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
HighAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
HighAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
HighAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimeDelayRemaining | The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
HighAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
HighAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmHighTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmHighTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmHighTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmHighTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmHighTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmHighCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmHighCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmHighCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmHighCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusLow | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
LowAlarmAcknowledge | Set to true to acknowledge alarm. | No |
LowAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
LowAlarmActive | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
LowAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
LowAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
LowAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
LowAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
LowAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
LowAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
LowAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
LowAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
LowAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
LowAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
LowAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
LowAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
LowAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimeDelayRemaining | The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
LowAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
LowAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmLowTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmLowTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmLowTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmLowTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmLowTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmLowCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmLowCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmLowCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmLowCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusLowLow | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmAcknowledge | Set to true to acknowledge alarm. | No |
LowLowAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmActive | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
LowLowAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimeDelayRemaining | The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
LowLowAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmLowLowCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusDigital | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmAcknowledge | Set to true to acknowledge alarm. | No |
DigitalAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmActive | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmLatchEnable | When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
DigitalAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimeDelayRemaining | The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
DigitalAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmDigitalCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |
AlarmStatusROC | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
ROCAlarmAcknowledge | Set to true to acknowledge alarm. | No |
ROCAlarmAcknowledged | True if alarm is currently acknowledged. | Yes |
ROCAlarmActive | The alarm state is active. | Yes |
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString | The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString | The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date. | Yes |
ROCAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad | The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description. | Yes |
ROCAlarmDynamicAlarmText | The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values. | Yes |
ROCAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag | The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text. | Yes |
ROCAlarmIsReadOnly | When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to. | Yes |
ROCAlarmLatchReset | Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used. | No |
ROCAlarmLimit | The value of the alarm limit. | Yes |
ROCAlarmOPCQuality | The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good. | Yes |
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestamp | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date. | Yes |
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestampString | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String. | Yes |
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks. | Yes |
ROCAlarmPreviousValue | The previoius alarm limit value. | Yes |
ROCAlarmQuality | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
ROCAlarmQualityActual | Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTextValue | The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsReset | Write a value of TRUE to reset reset the time on and counts statistics. | No |
ROCAlarmTimestamp | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampString | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampTicks | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampUNIX | The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampPolled | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledString | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledTicks | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks. | Yes |
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX | The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch. | Yes |
AlarmROCTimeOn | How Long the alarm is active for the current instance. | Yes |
AlarmROCTimeOnCurrentDay | How Long the alarm is active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmROCTimeOnPeriod1 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmROCTimeOnPeriod2 | How Long the alarm is active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmROCTimeOnTotal | How Long the alarm is active for all of time. | Yes |
AlarmROCCountCurrentDay | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day. | Yes |
AlarmROCCountPeriod1 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1. | Yes |
AlarmROCCountPeriod2 | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2. | Yes |
AlarmROCCountTotal | How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time. | Yes |