Recommended Hardware

32 Bit and 64 Bit Operating Systems

For best performance choose a 64 bit operating system.

  • Open Automation Software version 4.0 or greater will take advantage of 64 bit operating systems to use up to 1 terabyte of memory.
  • Open Automation Software version 14.0 or greater can run on Linux 64 bit operating systems.
  • For any system that has more than 100,000 Tags a 64 bit operating system is required.
  • All versions of Open Automation Software targeting Windows will run on 32 bit operating systems up to 100,000 tags.

Number of Processors

Open Automation Software will take advantage of multiple processors and will evenly distribute processing of the service functions across all processors that are available.

  • It is recommended to allocate 2 processors for every 100,000 tags running in the service.
  • Allocate 1 additional processor for each set of 25,000 tags to be logged at a 1 second frequency.
  • Allocate 1 additional processor for every 50,000 tags to be trended at a 1 second rate for 1 hour of time frame.
  • Allocate an additional processor for each 25 clients or more connected to the service.


  • Allocate 4 Gigs of RAM for every 100,000 tags running in the service.
  • Allocate 4 Gigs of RAM for each set of 25,000 tags to be logged at a 1 second frequency.
  • Allocate 4 Gigs of RAM for every 50,000 tags to be trended at a 1 second rate for 1 hour of time frame.
  • Allocate 4 Gigs of RAM for each 25 Smart Clients connected to the service.

Minimum Requirements

Open Automation Software for Windows minimum hardware requirements would be a single Pentium II with 256 Megs of RAM and 100 Megabyte hard disk. This would be limited to a system that had 10,000 tags or less on the service, trending 1,000 tags, and logging 10,000 tags at a 1 second frequency. The number of clients would be limited to 10 clients for this minimum hardware configuration.

OAS Services

View the Operating Systems article for a list of all operating systems that the OAS Engine supports for both Windows and Linux.

Client Applications

For .NET applications for Windows deployment all components target .NET Framework 4.0 to run all all versions of Windows operating systems from Windows XP and newer.  View Operating Systems to see an entire list.

For client applications developed with OAS Cross-Platform HMI tools can be deployed to Windows 10, Linux, and Mac operating systems.

For .NET applications developed with the .NET Standard 2.0 assemblies including Universal Driver Interface, OASData, and OAS Config they can be deployed to Windows operating system with .NET Framework 4.6.2 or greater, and Linux operating systems listed in Operating Systems article.

For thin client applications hardware devices that have browsers that support JSON jQuery will work. This includes the following:

  • All Windows and Linux Operating Systems
  • All versions of the iPhone
  • All versions of the Android
  • Windows Smartphone 7 and 8
  • All versions of iPads