Recipe Tags Properties for Multiple Records
For Multiple Record type Recipes the target Tags and data values and defined in the database table of choice with unlimited number of records. The Table must contain two fields, one for the Tags and one for the values.
Tag Name Field
The field name that contains the Tags to write to when using a Multiple Record Recipe Type.
Value Field
The field name that contains the values to write to when using a Multiple Record Recipe Type.
Recipe Tags Properties for Single and Queued Records.
For Single Record and Queued Recipes the target Tags are associated with field names in the database. The values are simply contained in the first record returned from the table for the defined fields.
Add Field
Add a data field and specify the Tag Parameter, field name, and field data type use the Add Button.
Delete Field
Delete field(s) by selecting the field(s) and select the Delete button or right click in the Field Name List and select Delete or Delete All.
Edit Field
Edit a data field to specify the field name and field data type. Use the Edit Field Button or right click in the Field Name List and select Edit.
Field CSV Import/Export
Right click in the Tags List to select CSV Export with one or more Tags in the list, or CSV Import to add/modify fields in the existing list.