FAQs – Excel
Can you access data over the Internet in a local Excel Spreadsheet?
Can you protect remote data from being accessed from unauthorized use?
Yes, refer to the following Security video on how to setup user security. With the Excel Workbook use the OAS Excel Wizard with the Security option to add a security login function. This is shown in Step 12 of the Excel - Getting Started section.
Security Setup
How to setup security for Open Automation Software in the service and in client applications.
Do I need a license for each remote Excel Workbook?
No, Open Automation Software is server based licensing and all licensing is enabled as the service to allow local and remote access for the number of concurrent licensed users activated.
I am running Microsoft Excel 2010, and I cannot get my data into the Excel Workbook.
Download the following Microsoft Hotfix for Excel 2010.
What is the proper syntax for an RTD formula?
Use the OAS Excel Wizard found under the program group Open Automation Software.
The following article describes RTD formulas in general: