Which version of .NET should my Driver Library target? .NET Framework? .NET Core? .NET Standard?

Choosing the target framework depends on your chosen deployment platform and other required assembly references.
  • If your platform is Windows and you’re required to support the full .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5, your Driver assembly must target the full .NET Framework. Typically this will be .NET 4.0 for wider compatibility.
  • If you choose to deploy the Driver to Linux or other platforms, or if you want to create a Driver assembly that can be used on all platforms including Windows with .NET Framework 4.6.1+, then target the .NET Standard 2.0.
  • However, if you are required to use a 3rd party assembly for interaction with a data source or API, the target framework will be dependent upon the framework that this assembly supports, and may determine other limitations in deployment.
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